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Subject: [committee:657] Grab the hottest FREE money on the net now!
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:53:56
Precedence: list

$$$ Get Paid To Surf The Net FREE! $$$
1,300,000++ online surfer already joined!!

Dear Online Surfer,

     I would like share an amazing information with you. An 
internet advertising company is paying directly to online surfer 
and his/her referrals while surfing the net. This creates amazing 
opportunity and money to everyone on the net FREE. The news had 
been published on leading press such as Excite News, Red Herring, 
BBC News, USA Today, Computerworld, Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones 
Interactive, Yahoo! News, Washington Post and many more!

     We all know how to ignore the con men around us, so sometimes 
it's hard to recognize when a new opportunity comes around.But if 
you put the this internet company service in perspective, it makes 
perfect economic sense.

     Every day advertisers pay big money to get you to look at 
ads.  During the Superbowl the networks can charge more than $1 
million for a 30 second commercial, because they can guarantee 
that people like yourself will watch it. Wouldn't it be easier if 
the advertisers simply paid YOU to look at their ads, and cut out 
the middlemen?

That's the logic behind this internet company:-

Take a look at this is an irresistible gift to everyone: -
   *It's free to join!
   *Get paid USD 20 every month by simply surfing the net as you 
normally do!
   *You will be paid maximum USD 4 for the 1st level and USD 2 for 
2nd to 4 th level every month!
   *Enjoy cash rewards for online shopping at leading Web 
   *Enjoy group discounts as an individual!
   *Improve Internet privacy by eliminating unwanted junk mail  !
   *Enjoy free Web-based email!
   *ViewbarT to be compatible with WebTV or Mac in Summer!
   *Get Paid in Opt-in Email List!
   *Earn cash back and bonus airline miles!
   *chat in the community rooms!
   *Many more to come!

         But wait! If you think that the pay out above to you is 
small then imagine having downline size of 1,000 or more. This 
size is achievable as 1st it has no barrier (free) to join and 2nd 
every reason (money) to join. You can easily earn USD 5,000 ++ 
monthly within 60 to 90 days simply introduce it to your friend 
and had them do the same!

Make the calculations yourself: -
  Monthly income = USD20 + USD4 x (no. of Direct referrals) + USD2 
x (no. of 1st, 2nd, 3rd &  4th referrals)

        Still not convince? :). How about the every fact that 
hundreds of millions of current and future online surfer thanks 
you for by introducing free money even bright future to them ?! 
Yet at the same time in it course make yourself a 
        So what is catch? You just need to download a program 
called Viewbar (free of charge) and just run it when you surf the 
net. It's a small bar sit at the bottom of your desktop that 
constantly run online advertisement just like a banner. You can 
minimise/close it whenever you like. That's it.:)

To date more than 1,300,000++ online surfer already joined 

Hurry Up! Click the link below and join NOW!

Thanks for taking your valuable time to read this message.:)

Yours Sincerely,


This is one time message only. Please do not reply.Thanks.:)
