1999 NGMP Committee Mailing list log

0512 23 Apr 1999 [committee:515] [Objection CFA] newgroup fj.soc.industrial.property Yasuhisa Kuzuha
0513 24 Apr 1999 [committee:516] [CFD] fj.comp.lang.{sh,csh} tanaq@ca2.so-net.ne.jp (Tanaka-Qtaro-Yasuhiro)
0514 25 Apr 1999 [committee:517] Active Newsgroups List of fj (1999/04/25) chiaki@ipc.kit.ac.jp (Tsukamoto Chiaki)
0515 26 Apr 1999 [committee:518] 葛葉さんのページの NGMP が古いようです。 Akihiro Nishida
0516 26 Apr 1999 [committee:519] (NO SUBJECT IN ORIGINAL) news@otagen.hpc-eng.co.jp
0517 26 Apr 1999 [committee:520] (NO SUBJECT IN ORIGINAL) news@otagen.hpc-eng.co.jp
0518 26 Apr 1999 [committee:521] [CFA] newsgroup fj.comp.homebuild Tomoya Nakano / Office
0519 26 Apr 1999 [committee:522] Re: 葛葉さんのページの NGMP が古いようです。 chiaki@ipc.kit.ac.jp (Tsukamoto Chiaki)
0520 26 Apr 1999 [committee:523] Re: your COMP status update comp-sts@fj-news.org
0521 27 Apr 1999 [committee:524] [CFS announce]rename fj.living -> fj.life.misc and change charter kunihito takaYASHIKI
0522 27 Apr 1999 [committee:525] [CFS announce]rename fj.living -> fj.life.misc and change charter kunihito takaYASHIKI
0523 28 Apr 1999 [committee:526] [Objection CFA] newgroup fj.comp.homebuild "Saitoh, Takumi"
0524 29 Apr 1999 [committee:527] Re: [CFA] fj.fleamarket.music.instruments chiaki@ipc.kit.ac.jp (Tsukamoto Chiaki)
0525 29 Apr 1999 [committee:530] [CFA] fj.fleamarket.music.instruments "Yoichi Noguchi"
0526 29 Apr 1999 [committee:528] [CFD Change / CFA] newgroup fj.life.ren-ai (was fj.life.love) tanaq@ca2.so-net.ne.jp (Tanaka-Qtaro-Yasuhiro)
0527 30 Apr 1999 [committee:529] [CFD Change / CFA] newgroup fj.life.ren-ai (was fj.life.love) tanaq@ca2.so-net.ne.jp (Tanaka-Qtaro-Yasuhiro)
0528 1 May 1999 [committee:531] ADV ADLT: Live Chat services78@usa.net
0529 01 May 1999 [committee:532] [CFD Change] fj.unix.shell (was fj.comp.lang.{sh,csh}) tanaq@ca2.so-net.ne.jp (Tanaka-Qtaro-Yasuhiro)
0530 2 May 1999 [committee:533] Re: your COMP status update comp-sts@fj-news.org
0531 2 May 1999 [committee:535] [CFA] fj.fleamarket.music.instruments chiaki@ipc.kit.ac.jp (Tsukamoto Chiaki)
0532 2 May 1999 [committee:534] Re: your MISC status update misc-sts@fj-news.org
0533 4 May 1999 [committee:536] ADV ADLT: may-99@usa.net
0534 5 May 1999 [committee:537] Re: your MISC status update misc-sts@fj-news.org
0535 05 May 1999 [committee:539] [CFA]fj.life.works,fj.soc.labor-problems Yasuhiro Takamatsu
0536 05 May 1999 [committee:538] [CFA continue] newgroup fj.life.ren-ai tanaq@ca2.so-net.ne.jp (Tanaka-Qtaro-Yasuhiro)
0537 05 May 1999 [committee:540] [Objection CFA]fj.soc.labor-problems tanaq@ca2.so-net.ne.jp (Tanaka-Qtaro-Yasuhiro)
0538 5 May 1999 [committee:541] Re: your MISC status update misc-sts@fj-news.org
0539 05 May 1999 [committee:542] Breakthrough in Russian Translation Software! "info@languageforce.com"
0540 6 May 1999 [committee:543] [tentativ CFS result]rename fj.living -> fj.life.misc and change charter kunihito takaYASHIKI
0541 6 May 1999 [committee:546] Re: v001i0027: Active Newsgroups List of fj (1998/11/13) (1/1) g9102@kki.yamanashi.ac.jp (T99K102G)
0542 6 May 1999 [committee:544] [tentativ CFS result]rename fj.living -> fj.life.misc and change charter kunihito takaYASHIKI
0543 6 May 1999 [committee:545] [tentativ CFS result]rename fj.living -> fj.life.misc and change charter kunihito takaYASHIKI
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