#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use IO::Socket qw (getaddrinfo getnameinfo SOCK_STREAM NI_NUMERICHOST NI_NUMERICSERV ) ;
my ($remote,$port, $iaddr, $paddr, $proto, $line);

my $user = getpwuid($<);

$remote  = shift || 'localhost';
$port    = shift || 2345;  # random port
if ($port =~ /\D/) { $port = getservbyname($port, 'tcp') }
die "No port" unless $port;

my $sock = &connect($remote,$port);

syswrite $sock, "$user\n"; #  or die "syswrite $!\n";
while (<$sock>) {
    print ;

$sock->close or die "close: $!";

sub connect {
   my ($host0,$port0) = @_;

    my ($err,@res) = getaddrinfo($host0, $port0, {socktype=>SOCK_STREAM});
    for my $res (@res) { 
        my ($err1, $host, $port) = getnameinfo($res->{addr},NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV);
        print STDERR "Trying to connect to $host : $port...\n";

        my $sock = new IO::Socket;
        $sock->socket($res->{family}, $res->{socktype}, $res->{protocol}) || next;
        if ($sock->connect($res->{addr})) { 
            print STDERR "connected to $host port $port\n";
            return $sock;
    die "connect attempt failed\n";