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My introduction

Name: Naruaki Toma (NAL; I like it.)
Belong to: Dept. of Information Eng., Faculty of Eng., Univ. of the Ryukyus

1.What is NAL?

What is NAL?
Favorite foodsI like everything basic.
Dislike foodsI have a little dislike combination. (I like natto, but combination of natto and rice doesn't taste good.I like sea urchin too, but I don't like sushi.)
Favorite drinksOf course, Root Beer! And, brown tea taste good.
My tongue doesn't belive, in my lab...
Dislike drinksWell, I don't like alcoholic drinks.
HobbyGame (Video game, cards, board games,...), Shogi (Japanese chess, but too weak), Go, breeding tropical fish (but I like fishing, too...).
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# E-mail to NAL ==> E-mail:tnal@eva.ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
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