my first english class

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Data Mining Theory started from last year. Only 7 students (all japanese) joined in this class last year, however this year had about 20 students (including 4 foreigners) already. I’m not sure the reason (timing simply?), so feel a strange about this increasing stuation.

This class has two objectives (1) learn a general process in DM and/or a few models of ML as a tool for DM, (2) read applications (up-to-date conference papers). In the part 1, they will read books Data Mining and Python Machine Learning for a fundamental knowledge. After that, they will read best papers on the related conferences for applications.



基本的な流れは同じで、まずは教科書で基礎を学んでもらいます。学生の希望で、今回はData MiningPython Machine Learningの2冊をやることに。これが終わったら関連学会のベストペーパーを読んで貰う予定です。

(英語だと enjoy とか普通に書いちゃうけど、日本語だと適当な言葉が思いつかないな)