
  • Mattermost is a tool for communication within the university and other settings.
  • It allows students to easily ask questions to seniors, making it convenient.
  • It also provides updates on RSS (News-ie).


MATLAB stands for MATrix LABoratory. It is an interpreted high-performance technical computing language and environment with rich libraries for matrix calculations, vector operations, graphing, 3D visualization, and more. While it comes with numerous built-in libraries, additional functionalities, such as advanced data analysis, statistics, and application deployment, can be achieved by installing extension packages called Toolboxes. Installation: As this course has acquired licenses for 25 people, you can download MATLAB from the web and install it by entering the license. If you wish to use it, you need to consult the General Affairs Center, so please contact Professor Nagayama for further guidance. Contact Professor Nagayama:


‘OmniGraffle’ is a business drawing tool developed by the US-based Omni Group for Mac OS X. It excels in drawing relationships between parts, making it particularly useful for creating chart diagrams. It enables the creation of beautiful vector-based diagrams. To obtain the license information, access the following URL while logged in to your Intelligence and Information Course Google account, and the license details will be sent via email. The current distributed versions are as follows: OmniGraffle 6.3.2 Japanese version (for MacOS 10.10 and later) OmniGraffle 6.0.5 English version (for MacOS 10.8-10.9.2) Contact: Faculty of Engineering Building 1, Room 402 (Technical Division, Naka) /~nakarx/


Synopsys refers to a package of circuit design tools developed by Synopsys Inc. For detailed information, please inquire with Professor Yoshida. Installation: The course has acquired licenses for 20 people. If you wish to use this software, please contact Professor Yoshida, who manages the licenses. Contact Professor Yoshida:

Microsoft Imagine

Microsoft Imagine is a student support program provided by Microsoft, offering software development and design tools for free to students in universities, graduate schools, technical colleges, and vocational schools (undergraduate students) and senior high schools (4th and 5th year students). This program is also available for our course. For more details, please refer to the following link (accessible within the university network only):