1999 NGMP Committee Mailing list log

0384 17 Mar 1999 [committee:384] [CFV] fj.rec.military Akihiro Nishida
0385 17 Mar 1999 [committee:385] [CFD change & CFA]rename fj.living -> fj.life.misc and change charter kunihito takaYASHIKI
0386 17 Mar 1999 [committee:386] [CFD change & CFA]rename fj.living -> fj.life.misc and change charter kunihito takaYASHIKI
0387 17 Mar 99 [committee:387] [Objetion CFA]rename fj.living -> fj.life.misc and change charter alceste@soe.ty.ihi.co.jp (Shiino Masayoshi)
0388 17 Mar 1999 [committee:388] [CFV] fj.rec.military Yukihiro Matsumoto
0389 19 Mar 1999 [committee:389] Herbal Viagra by Mail. herbalviagra@eudoramail.com
0390 20 Mar 1999 [committee:390] Question from Monpellier hiromi@tpinfo.univ-montp3.fr (Hiromi Horiya)
0391 20 Mar 1999 [committee:391] Question from Monpellier hiromi@tpinfo.univ-montp3.fr (Hiromi Horiya)
0392 21 Mar 1999 [committee:392] Question from Monpellier Yasuhisa Kuzuha
0393 23 Mar 1999 [committee:393] ADV ADLT: web-info99@usa.net
0394 24 Mar 1999 [committee:394] Active Newsgroups List of fj (1999/03/24) chiaki@ipc.kit.ac.jp (Tsukamoto Chiaki)
0395 23 Mar 1999 [committee:395] Re: your REC status update rec-sts@fj-news.org
0396 25 Mar 1999 [committee:396] NGMP revision Yasuhisa Kuzuha
0397 25 Mar 1999 [committee:397] [checkgroups] for fj (1999/03/25) chiaki@ipc.kit.ac.jp (Tsukamoto Chiaki)
0398 25 Mar 1999 [committee:398] (NO SUBJECT IN ORIGINAL) news@otagen.hpc-eng.co.jp
0399 25 Mar 1999 [committee:399] (NO SUBJECT IN ORIGINAL) news@otagen.hpc-eng.co.jp
0400 25 Mar 1999 [committee:401] (NO SUBJECT IN ORIGINAL) news@otagen.hpc-eng.co.jp
0401 25 Mar 1999 [committee:400] Re: NGMP revision chiaki@ipc.kit.ac.jp (Tsukamoto Chiaki)
0402 25 Mar 1999 [committee:402] Re: your MISC status update misc-sts@fj-news.org
0403 26 Mar 1999 [committee:403] Re: NGMP revision "Tateno, Nobuyuki"
0404 26 Mar 1999 [committee:409] Improve your English, quickly, easily and for Free freeENGLISH@eduverse.com
0405 26 Mar 1999 [committee:404] Re: NGMP re tsukamoto chiaki
0406 26 Mar 1999 [committee:406] Re: NGMP re "Tateno, Nobuyuki"
0407 26 Mar 1999 [committee:405] Re: NGMP revision Yasuhisa Kuzuha
0408 26 Mar 1999 [committee:407] Re: NGMP revision Yasuhisa Kuzuha
0409 27 Mar 1999 [committee:408] [CFD] fj.fleamarket.comp.{storage,memory,moniter} "Saitoh, Takumi"
0410 27 Mar 1999 [committee:412] Re: NGMP re tsukamoto chiaki
0411 27 Mar 1999 [committee:411] [CFD] fj.fl tsukamoto chiaki
0412 28 Mar 1999 [committee:410] =?gb2312?B?OTnJ+syswsPTzi0tu8bJvbS61q7Uz8LD086y+sa3z7XB0A==?= "hscits"
0413 29 Mar 1999 [committee:413] Re: [CFD] fj.fleamarket.instrument chiaki@ipc.kit.ac.jp (Tsukamoto Chiaki)
0414 29 Mar 1999 [committee:414] Re: [CFD] fj.fleamarket.comp.{storage,memory,monitor} chiaki@ipc.kit.ac.jp (Tsukamoto Chiaki)
0415 29 Mar 1999 [committee:416] [CFD] fj.fleamarket.instrument "Yoichi" <.photon@sannet.ne.jp>
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